When a customer has a long-term need, direct hire is ideal. Direct hire positions are permanent, usually full-time positions with benefits. From the outset we are involved during the recruitment and hiring process, but after an offer is accepted, the candidate goes directly on our customer’s payroll. The process for
A hybrid of temporary and direct hire, contract-to-hire is a way for our customers to test the waters. It allows potential employees to prove themselves to our customer and see if the culture is a good fit. Likewise, it allows our jobseeker the opportunity to grow accustom to our customer
We place jobseekers with customers that are looking for a temporary employee, with hopes that she/he could end up being a longer-term full-time employee. The temporary assignment is considered a trial period and gives both our customers and jobseekers an opportunity to determine if they are a good fit for
Temporary employment is an ideal solution for unpredictable workloads, project work, seasonal peaks, and other limited-term needs, such as a leave of absence. These often are used by customers in need of skilled jobseekers for long-term work, but are leery of bringing new hires onto their own payroll, often due
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